Urgent Report: Humanity is not Investing Enough into Renewable Energy!

Urgent Report: Humanity is not Investing Enough into Renewable Energy!

Urgent Report: Humanity is not Investing Enough into Renewable Energy!


“How much more renewable energy do we exactly need to build?”


Humanity is in big trouble. Although we have been investing more in renewable energy than ever before, at our current rates it is still not enough. A paper by Ken Caldeira at the Carnegie Institute for Science has calculated that the entire world will need to 1.1 gigawatts of clean energy per day to limit climate change levels to be below 2 degrees Celsius. But against this monumental number, we are only adding around 15% of that! If we keep going at this pace, it will take four centuries to completely overhaul our energy system, which could lead to drastic consequences. 

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