Category: Neuroscience

Why Playing the Clarinet Can Lead to Better Mathematical Productivity

Why Playing the Clarinet Can Lead to Better Mathematical Productivity

Why Playing the Clarinet Can Lead to Better Mathematical Productivity


“Why can playing the clarinet improve mathematical ability?”

Playing the clarinet relaxes the brain and improves spatial reasoning, both of which are vital for mathematical productivity. This is Why Playing the Clarinet Can Lead to Better Mathematical Productivity.

Why Visualization Practice Helps Architects

Why Visualization Practice Helps Architects

Why Visualization Practice Helps Architects


“Why does visualization practice help architects?”

Architecture relies on the visualization of buildings and structures. This requires a lot of mental visualization. Receiving training in this will help improve this skill. This is Why Visualization Practice Helps Architects.

Why Sea Level Rise Can Exacerbate Anxiety in Homeowners

Why Sea Level Rise Can Exacerbate Anxiety in Homeowners

Why Sea Level Rise Can Exacerbate Anxiety in Homeowners


“Why can sea level rise exacerbate anxiety in homeowners?”

Sea level rise holds the potential to engulf an untold number of houses. For homeowners who are at risk of this will probably find it anxiety-inducing. This is Why Sea Level Rise Can Exacerbate Anxiety in Homeowners. Policy makers, urban planners, and therapists will need to think about how this can be helped.

Why Disconnecting From The Internet Periodically Can Be Beneficial for Stress Management

Why Disconnecting From The Internet Periodically Can Be Beneficial for Stress Management

Why Disconnecting From The Internet Periodically Can Be Beneficial for Stress Management


“Why can disconnecting from the internet periodically be beneficial for stress management?”

The modern world is incredibly connected to the internet. We are constantly being bombarded with notifications, emails, and flashes about what to buy, do, or see. This can create a lot of stress on the mind. Disconnecting from all of this can ameliorate the damage caused. It allows the mind to take a breath and calm down. This is Why Disconnecting From The Internet Periodically Can Be Beneficial for Stress Management.

<strong>Why Investing in Mental Health Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence</strong>

Why Investing in Mental Health Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence

Why Investing in Mental Health Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence


“Why can investing in mental health help prevent domestic violence?”

A sizable portion of domestic violence occurs because mental health is not properly addressed. One way to prevent more of this is to invest in mental health issues so people can solve their problems and not take it out on others. This is Why Investing in Mental Health Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence.

<strong>Virtual Therapy for Veterans</strong>

Virtual Therapy for Veterans

Virtual Therapy for Veterans


“Why is virtual therapy helpful for veterans?”

Veterans often suffer PTSD from fighting in wars. While therapy is useful for ameliorating this, the geographic distance to therapists can be a big hurtle. However, by using virtual therapy, this problem can be reduced to an internet connection. Virtual Therapy for Veterans can bring many benefits to former soldiers and their loved ones.

Why Music Therapy Can Help Treat PTSD

Why Music Therapy Can Help Treat PTSD

Why Music Therapy Can Help Treat PTSD


“Why can music therapy help people with PTSD?”

People with PTSD need strong psychological treatment. One possible pathway is through music therapy. Music therapy is when a mental health professional helps a patient with psychological stress by having them play or listen to music in a guided manner. With this, brain pathways can be rewired and relaxed. This is Why Music Therapy Can Help Treat PTSD

Why Learning How to Make New Accents Helps With Learning Wind Musical Instruments

Why Learning How to Make New Accents Helps With Learning Wind Musical Instruments

Why Learning How to Make New Accents Helps With Learning Wind Musical Instruments


“Why does learning new accents help with learning wind musical instruments?”

Learning new accents forces you to learn new ways to move your mouth and breathe. This is fundamental for learning new wind instruments. This is Why Learning How to Make New Accents Helps With Learning Wind Musical Instruments.

Tiredness and Productivity

Tiredness and Productivity

Tiredness and Productivity


“Why are people less productive when they are tired?”

When people are tired, their brain is less functional. When their brain is less functional, they are worse at completing tasks. This impedes productivity greatly. This is why there is a negative correlation between Tiredness and Productivity.