Category: Medicine

Why Carrying Around Heavy Signs During Protests Can Lead to Back Injuries

Why Carrying Around Heavy Signs During Protests Can Lead to Back Injuries

Why Carrying Around Heavy Signs During Protests Can Lead to Back Injuries


“Why can carrying around heavy signs during protests lead to back injuries?”

When people protest, they often carry signs with them. These can range from small decals to large posters. Heavy signs can put strain on someone’s back when they’re being carried around. If it’s done too much, then it could result in a back injury. This is Why Carrying Around Heavy Signs During Protests Can Lead to Back Injuries.

Why Streets That Are Too Narrow Are Bad for Public Health

Why Streets That Are Too Narrow Are Bad for Public Health

Why Streets That Are Too Narrow Are Bad for Public Health


“Why are streets that are too narrow are bad for public health?”

When streets are too narrow, garbage and clutter will pile up more easily. This leads to a less sanitary environment which in turn harms public health. This is Why Streets That Are Too Narrow Are Bad for Public Health.

Why Migraines Make Landscape Architects Less Productive

Why Migraines Make Landscape Architects Less Productive

Why Migraines Make Landscape Architects Less Productive


“Why do migraines make landscape architects less productive?”

Landscape architects need intense focus to complete their work. Migraines make it much more difficult to concentrate and complete work. When a landscape architect gets a migraine, they do less work. This is Why Migraines Make Landscape Architects Less Productive.

Why Air Pollution Can Harm School Performance

Why Air Pollution Can Harm School Performance

Why Air Pollution Can Harm School Performance


“Why can air pollution harm school performance?”

Air pollution can make it harder to concentrate and impair cognitive function. Both of these are necessary for school performance. This is Why Air Pollution Can Harm School Performance.

Why Landscape Architects Need to Take Breaks From the Computer

Why Landscape Architects Need to Take Breaks From the Computer

Why Landscape Architects Need to Take Breaks From the Computer


“Why do landscape architects need to take breaks from the computer?”

Landscape architects work by the computer a lot. If they spend too much time on it, they can get computer vision strain, and their work will suffer. This is Why Landscape Architects Need to Take Breaks From the Computer.

Why Installing Better Air Filters in Buildings Helps People With Lung Conditions

Why Installing Better Air Filters in Buildings Helps People With Lung Conditions

Why Installing Better Air Filters in Buildings Helps People With Lung Conditions


“Why does installing better air filters in buildings help people with lung conditions?”

People with lung conditions can have adverse reactions to air-borne pollutants such as particulate matter. Installing better air filters in buildings can reduce the internal pollution of a space. This is Why Installing Better Air Filters in Buildings Helps People With Lung Conditions.