Why Emergency Management Professionals Need to Consider Unhoused Peoples’ Needs During Floods

Why Emergency Management Professionals Need to Consider Unhoused Peoples’ Needs During Floods

Why Emergency Management Professionals Need to Consider Unhoused Peoples’ Needs During Floods


“Why do emergency management professionals need to consider unhoused peoples’ needs during floods?”

Floods are very painful events. Homes are destroyed, roads are impassable, and in the worst case, lives are lost. However, one particular group is often left out of the discussion during these disasters. Unhoused people. Emergency plans often do not consider that unhoused communities do not have ready access to shelters or capital. Community engagement with unhoused people is commonly lackluster, making it difficult to address their needs during disasters. As a result, unhoused people are some of the most vulnerable during these events. Since it’s the public responsibility to care for those most in need, it’s clear Why Emergency Management Professionals Need to Consider Unhoused Peoples’ Needs During Floods.

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